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Truck Dispatcher Services That Makes Life Easier For The Truckers

24/7 Dispatcher is a dispatch company in the USA that provides support to the owner-operators as well as the truck drivers to ensure them good paying loads as well as a stress-free business.

Owner Operator

90% of trucks on the roads of the USA are owned by the truck drivers and they actually drive their own trucks to deliver the loads. That makes them the owner and the operator as well. Though it may seem an easy and relaxing matter in general, it has some hazards too. You, as the owner-operator, have to fight with many hostile situations while you are on the roads. In this present economic turmoil, it is tough to deal with low paying loads. There are lots of expenses that you need to put up with while operating the business. But unfortunately, the truck freight rates are not accelerating to match the expenses.

Our aim is to help the owner-operators to find out the highest paying loads on the roads and get them into the business with security and confidence. In the industry owner operator dispatch, where owner-operators have to trust their dispatcher, it becomes important to share a strong relationship with them. Thus, we believe in treating our owner operators as the partners and not as the clients.

Truckers Or Truck Drivers

Apart from the owner-operators, we also welcome the truck drivers in our business who drive on the roads of the USA and Canada. After spending so many years in this industry as independent truck dispatcher, we understand exactly what type of challenges they can face while driving the trucks to deliver the loads. We try to make their trucking experience as smooth and safe as possible through our expertise.

It is because of our effort, they can pay their independent dispatching bills. Along with this, they can also find and locate the vital and required services while driving on the roads to complete an assignment. Helping them with the correct and easiest route maps, weather updates and a safe trip plan that make the truckers happy in their job.

Safe Dispatiching

Services we offer?

Trucking Dispatch Software

We develop trucking dispatch software for our clients as per their requirements and budget. As a reliable dispatching company for the owner operator, we understand that different truckers handle their business in different manners and require distinct types of support from us. This is the reason we design and develop dispatch software for trucking companies that makes their job smarter, faster and simpler than before.

Once you find our services useful for your business, give us a call. Our representatives will meet you and get information about your individual requirements. We can create software for the independent truckers looking for loads or for the owner operators as well. The fleet dispatch software we design will be tailor-made and user-friendly too.

What We Do

We do anything and everything for our owner operators as well as our truckers.

Therefore, when you need a dispatcher for your trucks, just join our team, and you do not need to get worried about your dispatching matters. We take the responsibility of maintaining everything smoothly and offer you the best rates for your trucking service.